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6 Reasons to Quit A Dream

May 16, 2011

Have you ever heard the quote, “Winners Never Quit and Quitters Never Win?”

I grew up with those words  hanging proudly above my bed and looked at them constantly.  They were “hand written” (I think??)  on a “signed” picture from LA Rams quarterback, Roman Gabriel.

Now, I’ll always be a fan of #18 and I’ve tried to obey his advice in much of  life… However,  Roman was wrong.   Sometimes winners quit.  Yes, persistence and perseverance are typically noble and good. And often, we quit too soon on really good things.  HOWEVER, there are good reasons to quit.  And, there are even good reasons to quit a dream.   To say “no” in favor of something else, or even quit for now.  Lay down the desire to do something, be something, achieve something, go somewhere or create something. 

Here are six reasons to quit a dream. 

1. Quit when The Dream is Sketchy at Best:  If you dream of doing “something great,” or become “successful,” or “doing something new,” your dream may not really be a dream, but more of an angst.  A sign of pain or desire for something different, yes, but not a real dream.  Dreams with no definition aren’t dreams, but can actually just be messages that we need to get in touch with our deeper desires, or ask some bigger questions.   Don’t quit your day job just yet!  However, do the “dream work” to get “dream clarity.” 

2. Quit when Your Self Esteem Demands the Dream: Again, this may require some deeper exploration, but “Can I be OK today without this?” (I’ve wrestled with this one big time!) If we can’t be happy with who we are without some great dream achievement, going for the dream won’t likely salvage our souls.  I am OK today!

3. Quit when You’ll Sacrifice Your Spouse to Do it:  If achieving the dream directly conflicts with our commitment to love him or her fully, quit… or be patient until they give you their blessing or go with you.  Share your dream, yes.  But, going alone can be lonely.  Real lonely!  Are you really willing to lose your love to do it?  (even if it sounds really noble?)

4. Quit for a Higher Standard or Value: For example, if you value  family above your dream and your dream will take you away from your family, don’t do it… or wait.   Or if you value integrity and the dream creates a tension to compromise, hold on to your integrity.

5. Quit when the Spirit Calls You Elsewhere:  If you dream of doing something and yet hear the still small voice of God inviting you to do something else, do the something else.  The prophet Jonah may have dreamed of a “vacation” in Tarsus, but the Spirit wanted him in Nineveh.   

6. Quit to Sacrifice for a Greater Dream: If you have two (or more) dreams in you, but doing both (or more) may cause you to compromise focus or resources on the  more important dream, sacrifice one to achieve the other. (or hold off on that one for now!) 

OK, so if your dream can get past the “6 Reasons to Quit a Dream” test, then you will likely need to  HOLD ON TO THAT DREAM…. and DO THAT DREAM!!   The only reason to quit that dream may be when you die… (and even then, that baton may get picked up by someone else!)

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